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January 23, 2023

Frozen Trees and Growth

Winter in south Texas is unpredictable. The end of January was no exception in our beautiful slice of hill country heaven.  We knew cold days were coming and with it would come some possible ice and rain. Little did we know that our beautiful landscape which includes majestic oak trees that are centuries old, would change forever.

The first day held 24 hours of consistent freezing temperatures and falling rain…

seriously though, why did it rain instead of snow?

By the second day the ice accumulating could be visibly seen on our beautiful trees. Large, sprawling limbs were now imprisoned, bowing at the mercy of the ice sheets that were amassing on them by the hour. Initially, I loved the sight and was thankful to be warm inside of our home.

Then, the sounds started….

CRACK! BOOM! Massive tree limbs started falling from the sky.  A friend said in a social media post, “It was like the trees were screaming and crying as the branches snapped at the weight of the ice”. The sound was unforgettable. We heard it at all hours of the day and night for almost 24 hours. Snap. Crack. Sadness. Pain. Weight. The sound of the crack is painful at first. But the break usually means something good is ahead.

After the fracture, there is setting. Redirection, like the setting of a bone. Change. Breakage.  I distain change. Losing relationships or versions of myself that I thought would stay forever, pieces of myself are constantly breaking and changing. Learning slowly, but surely that happiness in this life lies with being willing to change and grow.

Most humans do not like change. We were not wired for it.

The prayer is that come spring that these magnificent trees will be able to grow new leaves on their broken branches. To reach new heights because of the pieces that have broken off. Life seems to provide many opportunities of breaking, but the hope that lies in the aftermath is up to us.

My friends, change is good. Needed for us to grow. The cracks and breaks aren’t comfortable. But in the uncomfortable is where God works and moves. Over time it seems that the more uncomfortable you get, the easier it is to accept the growth and change. Breaking free from the heaviness that comes with not accepting the change is possible. Chains will be broken and only then, can growth occur.

Be Blessed,

Tarah K.

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