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Family Life

May 1, 2023

May Mama

May is a magical month where the longer Spring days tease you with the reminder that summer is right around the corner.

My children are now all school aged and this glorious month has turned into something else entirely.


Who decided that Teacher Appreciation should be in May anyway? End of the year parties, sports teams ending, recitals, 1st Communions, swim team starting, one million Birthday parties, camps, vacations and VBS to plan for. It is crazy around here and most days I am barely keeping my head above water. Our dinners may not be as healthy or thought out as our October menu, but if my kids have food in their bellies, lets call it a win! The homework and end of the year projects may not be done well, or at all but honestly, I am striving for peace in our home. We are doing what we can. Take a deep breath, friends. Picture what life will look like in a month.


A busy, but also slower way of life. Sleeping in a little later, less time in the car and more time in the pool. Nothing better than those long dreamy summer nights. Give yourself Grace this month and know the end of the school year is usually crazy. Don’t let it rule you. Stay present in those moments you want to remember. You’ve got this!

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