Welcome to my little space on the interwebs, friends. Life can be lonely and hard. Praying you will take me along with you on this crazy ride and let me encourage you through the mess.
Absolute horror. That feeling that starts deep inside and boils over the surface to almost rage. What in the world was I actually watching? Regretting instantly the decision to sign onto my Instagram that morning I was reminded why social media isn’t good for my soul. Like a car accident, I could not stop watching. Sucked into watching a horrible woman beat a tiny defenseless puppy on an apartment balcony for longer than I would ever like to admit. Which of course led me to the story about this woman, where the puppy is now and the repercussions of her actions. I will not expound any further on this awful story, but she absolutely deserved way worse. Pets are a privilege and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Bringing in any animal into your home requires planning in advance for the things to come and lots of patience and grace. If done well my experience of my 40+ years of pet ownership, a pet can bring indescribable joy, love and companionship in our time on earth.
This terrible story brought to mind my own animals. Four of them. Two large dogs and two beautiful (and very furry) “fancy” cats. The amount of hair accumulated in our home on any given day would shock most. The brown vinyl flooring almost highlighting the light hairballs that roll like tumble weeds down the halls. But, they are all beautiful. And work. MoneyDigest.com says in 2024 that 63.8 million households, (almost 50% of all households in the United States) has at least 1 pet. The average cost spent per pet is $770 a year. At least 97% of pet owners see their animal as a part of their family. As someone who has had a pet in her household since in the womb, I feel very equipped to share how owning a pet can be wonderful, but also should be a decision that is not taken lightly. Here are four things to keep in mind if considering a pet for your household.
Pets take time. Not only will your special pet require attention from you, but if you decide a dog is your best option be prepared for the first year or so having more time and patience required. A puppy or new dog into your home will need exercise daily (if a bigger breed) and also training. One of the biggest mistakes pet owners can make is not taking time in the beginning to help them know their boundaries and what is expected of them. Puppies have brains similar to children in which they are like sponges and love to soak in new information. As we and they age and get set in our ways, it is harder to direct them accordingly. Hard to not think of the phrase, “You can’t teach old dog new tricks” here. Just know like with any relationship it takes time and trust.
Pets require money. Lots of it. Not only will you have the initial money spent when getting ready for your new pet: cage, food, toys, collars, etc but you will also have things that need to be purchased monthly and yearly other than food. Dogs and cats require heart worm and flea and tick medications monthly along with yearly vet visits and vaccinations. Pet insurance is also something some owners choose to carry for those unexpected vetrinary visits. My dream dog has always been some sort of doodle, but honestly I don’t think we could afford the grooming bill! Keep in mind also that most small dogs, doodles and long haired dogs will need a trip to see a groomer every two to three months. Bark.com says the average cost of a visit to the talented trimmers is $85. Don’t forget tip! https://www.bark.com/en/us/pet-grooming/dog-grooming-price-guide-us/ Not realizing the cost needed to maintain a dogs coat is a big reason they will be surrendered. It is very important to know as much as possible before bringing your pet home.
Pets require physical spaces. Most animals you can bring home as pets require some sort of housing. Birds and rodents need cages, Fish or reptiles an aquarium, cats and other small animals will need a carrying case for vet visits and travel and I am a big believer in a crate for puppies.
Pets deserve grace. Bottom line is they are animals. Not human beings with brains that have reasoning and problem solving abilities. They depend on us for the most part, just like small children. I would love to tell you the unexpected will not happen, but there may be a shoe or plant destroyed during the early years of a dog ownership. We even had a kitten eat homework. HA! Can’t help but think of the poor puppy that promted this post. No doubt this woman was frusterated, but it is soemthing to be expected with pets. The unknown and teaching them what is expected in your home.
Just like with anything in life there are people who take things a little too far. You know the type.. the person who treats their beloved pet like a human. Full wardrobes, spa treatments, even parties and weddings for their four legged pals! At this stage of my life I don’t find myself here, but know quite a few friends that have more than pampered pooches and felines. As with anything, there needs to be boundaries and if you think you may be taking it a bit too far with your animal, you probably are. 😉
Even with the money, time and space that pets require, our family knows it is worth it to have animals in our home. I do however say this is the last time that I own this many. As someone who comes from a long line of animal lovers I find it highly unlikely I will never want at least one. The joy that they bring to my life outweighs the hardships (hate this word)>? They provide companionship, teach our children how to care for something and bring love and joy to our time here on earth.
Pets can remind us of the daily beauty that God has given the things on earth. Beautiful coats of fur, soft eyes that show unconditional love, endless amounts of affection (with some animals) and a relationship as unique as the kind of pets available. The decision of owning an animal should never be taken lightly and with the knowledge that this commitment is something that could possibility last for 10+ years. Here is where I add that our pet population is already at an all time high in shelters. Please, please, please consider taking a look before you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on purchasing a special breed. Hoping with plenty of planning you too can bring an animal into your home that brings joy and love for years to come.
Our boys. Max and Kai.
Our girls, mother & daughter. Cleo & Nala.